
You can file a complaint about actions of Argevide or our employees that violate our agreements, are unethical, violate the law, harm the environment or violate human rights.
  1. Your complaint may be anonymous, or you may provide your contact information so that we can contact you. We will treat your personal data as confidential. You can choose not to disclose it to others without your consent. You may also file a complaint through your representative, who will not disclose your identity to us.
  2. Your complaint may concern any actions of Argevide and our employees that constitute violations of the law, unethical activities, actions that harm the environment or constitute a violation of human rights.
  3. We will promptly investigate and respond to the complaint in accordance with the confidentiality of the reporting person.
  4. We will provide you with a response to your complaint within a maximum of 14 days, unless the complaint is anonymous. Further correspondence will depend on the specifics of the case.
  5. If you do not agree with our responses, you can appeal our decisions and provide further information.
  6. Argevide does not retaliate or discriminate against complainants. In the case of Argevide employees, the fact that a complaint is filed does not affect the employee’s assessment or the terms and conditions of employment. Our goal is to conduct ethical and legal business, and reporting any irregularities and deviations is not an obstacle for us, but helps us achieve these goals.
To file a complaint, please fill out the form below or use your own compliant format consistent with our form. The compliant should be reported:
  • by e-mail to the following address:
  • by postal mail to the following address:
    Argevide Sp. z o.o
    Internal Auditor
    Jaśkowa Dolina 6/3 80-252 Gdańsk, Poland
The complaint form – PDF file.