Support for GSN and ISO 15026 assurance cases

Assurance cases developed according with GSN Community Standard version 3 and also with ISO 15026-2 standard is now possible in NOR-STA version 7.8. Both standards are widely used however there are differences in their definitions of the argument structure and the naming conventions are different.
The new version also adds assurance case editing functions in the Basic view of the argument. When you develop GSN assurance case the GSN symbols of elements types are used. The screenshots below present the same fragment of a GSN argument in the diagram view (on the left) and in Basic view (on the right) where a structure of a section is presented in a hierarchical way.
Argument modules can be integrated with interfaces regardless of the notation, type and assessment methods they use.
The new version brings also some other new features like the list of ten last visited projects or a function to delete an assessment in a branch of the argument.