Assurance case reports fed with XML data

  1. Assurance case reports fed with XML data
New reports in NOR-STA are fed with data in XML format. XML includes data about the argument, evidence, and the evaluations performed.
MS Word report template can directly use data through XML mapping, and advanced data processing is possible with Visual Basic scripts. The basic templates for assurance case reports and conformance reports with VBA scripts are available to NOR-STA users.
Assurance case reports fed with XML data
NOR-STA 7.4.3 released on November 3 brought new features:
  • assurance case reports to Word and PDF with XML data,
  • improved conformance reports to Word and PDF with full argument data in XML,
  • conformance summary report (PDF),
  • evidence list report (PDF),
  • project log,
  • improved last changes list in the project: filter for deleted elements and changes of one element
and other minor security, functionality and performance improvements.