Live data in assurance cases

  1. Live data in assurance cases
System assurance with the use of assurance case should consider system changes and also operational data when necessary. The way to manage this is to use live data as evidence and update accordingly the argument assessment. The live data is the data generated directly by any system, not provided manually. Unlike documents used as evidence the live data can change at any moment of time.
Live data in assurance cases

We published a demonstration project presenting live data in an assurance case:

  • the input data is provided by a web service of the source system,
  • data feed is performed once a day, but it may well be more often, like every hour,
  • the assessment of the fact is updated based on the change in the evidence containing the live data,
  • assessment of claims supported by the given evidence is updated automatically,
  • the changes are logged by NOR-STA and may be reported to the user.

You can read more on this approach in NOR-STA on page Live data in system assurance monitoring.

To see a demo NOR-STA project with live data please use the form System assurance monitoring demo – covid-19 safety.

If you want learn more on use of live data in assurance cases in NOR-STA please contact us.